I have a soft spot for very small babies. My first was 5lbs 3oz when we left the hospital. He is huge now at 10yrs old but I will never forget the day we drove home from the hospital. We were absolutely terrified to even get him into the car. The car seat buckle was as big as his face. We drove home at 5mph and when we finally arrived at our apartment, I remember thinking life will never be the same and crying my eyes out. Not of sadness or happiness, just the realization that life will forever be different and all the hormones literally exploding out of my body. We had this tiny human that was solely dependent on us and we had no idea what to do with him. Exhaustion and self-doubt crept in quickly and thank goodness for all of the help we had.
To all of the new mamas out there, take the help. You will also get guidance and maybe some unsolicited advice but it all comes with the purest of intentions. Take what you want, seek out what you need, and be the parent you wish to be with the help of the village that hopes to support you. You are not alone!
Mama and baby outfits are available in the Rooted Love Client Wardrobe

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