full service newborn and family photography studio





September News – Orlando Family Photographer

I am drawn to the in-between, organic moments. I serve mothers who want to preserve their memories with their children and family through artful, light filled imagery.
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Happy fall! The temperature cooled down just a touch and we actually sat outside for dinner over the weekend. It was lovely.  We are changing up the dinner menu at home this week and I am making this eggplant lasagna for dinner tonight. I got the green light from Mike and we are doing this! We will see how this goes…I will report back! 

Mike and the boys are going to Buffalo with friends this weekend. Tommy and Joey are going to their very first Buffalo Bills game. They are so excited! Tess told us very firmly that she “doesn’t want to go to a football game.” So, she and I are staying in Orlando. We are going to try out Happy Frights at Leu Gardens with friends which sounds like a lot of fun! Are there any local Orlando spots you love that we need to try this fall?! 

The kids are keeping us busy with all of their sports. It’s exhausting sometimes, but they really seem to enjoy playing and being part of a team. I do often wonder why everything is so organized these days. What happened to the days of playing stickball or baseball with friends in a field? Can we go back to that?!!

Fall sessions are in full swing and I am enjoying all the families I am meeting for the first time and those I haven’t seen much since last year! It’s always so much fun for me to see your beautiful families as they grow! We are wrapping up our final shoots with The Scout Guide. Looking forward to seeing the final product in January, it’s going to be so good!

The first official launch of my beginner photography course for moms, Motherhood Inspired will be coming after the holidays and I couldn’t be more excited to help mothers create authentic photos with their children at home! You may get on the waitlist now by clicking the link above if you are interested.

I also have been collaborating with my friend, Nanette Dorbeck, on some really fun things!! We are creating a beautiful program for photographers. It has been such a huge learning process and one that has been really fulfilling… and we haven’t even enrolled anyone yet! We are hoping to launch before the end of the year and I am so, so excited for this community we are dreaming about!! 

Nanette and I have also been planning to start a podcast and actually recorded one episode. Will anyone listen? I have no idea. All the self doubt is swirling through my brain. I need to muster up the courage to put all this out into the world and this little email list family feels like a good place to start. I’m curious, what topics would you be interested in listening to on a podcast? What are your favorite podcasts currently?! 

Cooler weather means more dining outdoors…below is a newer local favorite of ours! My friend, Fallon, snapped this sweet photo of all the kids hanging out!

The Hall on the Yard

This is a fun outdoor spot that has several different restaurant options in one menu, pet friendly outdoor space, live music and Kelly’s Ice Cream on site!

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Fall sessions update: I have only two dates still available in October! Please reach out if you are interested in updated portraits with your family this year!!

I truly appreciate your time and you being here! Do you like these updates? I’d really love to hear from you. 

Drop me a quick comment if there is something you would like me to share in the next news note! 


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I am Cassandra and my passion lies in bringing the art of motherhood to light. Through fine art photography, I help mothers remember the beauty that’s woven together to create the tapestry of a childhood.

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© 2013 - 2025 ROOTED LOVE PHOTOGRAPHY | Orlando Newborn photographer | Maternity Photography Orlando, fl | winter Park newborn photographer